Dr. Michelle Presniak

Dr. Presniak is a clinical psychologist who has been fortunate to work with a variety of populations and work settings over her career. She has extensive training and experience in the areas of trauma, personality, schemas, psychological defences and interpersonal patterns. She has offered clinical supervision to a variety of health professionals over the years and current runs Evolve, which is a mentorship program helping therapists advance their clinical therapeutic skills. If you are a therapist or mental health professional and would like to learn more about her mentorship, please fill out the form below and she will get back to you within 48 hours.

If you want to learn more about her training and mentorship program, EVOLVE, please click here.

Therapist Training & Mentorship

Contact Dr. Presniak
To assess for adult PTSD, depression, anxiety or other psychological challenges

Adult Assessments

Contact Dr. Presniak

About Dr. Presniak

She was first employed under the umbrella of  hospitals and private clinics and eventually opened her own neurofeedback and psychotherapy clinic in Ottawa in 2013 and subsequently in Toronto in 2018. She now has focused her clinical work into two areas, continuing to support military veterans in any assessment or therapy needs, as well as offering ongoing training and mentorship to therapists in the field.

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